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RWF | Chemo




I can't BELIEVE I have to put this here, but please DO. NOT. use my written layout.  I created it.  It's as much mine as my art is.  Thank you.

[ Application : RP Tracker : Currency Chart ]

.:Call Me Chemo!:.

|[Name Composition:]|

  • [ AvalanChe moss ]


  • [ Che-M-oh [NOT kimo or kemo] ]


  • [ The Earl of Ore ]


  • [ None Yet ]

|[Reason for Name:]|

  • [Avalanche:] [ Chemo was named after the avalanche by his mother in hopes that he would find the strength of mind to overcome any obstacles he might meet. ]
  • [Moss:] [ Loestle left her Kingdome to give birth to her son on a bed of moss sheltered by the surrounding ferns.  Later, when she was struggling to think of what to name him, she fell back on the obvious choice. ]

.:General Information:.


  • [ 2 Quests, 7 Journeys ]


  • [ Male ]


  • [ Mostly Mule Deer, but probably contains Whitetail genes ]


  • [ Kingdome Ave Gratia Luteae ]


  • [ Stag ]

|[Season of Birth:]|

  • [ The Air of Hidden Sun ]


  • [ Unknown ]




  • Touch ]
  • Taste ]
  • Sound ]
  • Sight ]
  • Smell ]


  • Accuracy ]
  • Strength ]
  • Speed ]
  • Agility ]
  • Endurance ]
  • Tactical ]
  • Balance ]


  • Climbing [Rocks] ]
  • Swimming ]
  • Stealth ]
  • Combat ]
  • Leadership ]
  • Willingness to Learn ]


.;On the Outside:.


  • [ Chemo is huge.  He is unnaturally large.  For a buck from Luteae, especially, his size is nearly unheard of.  He is thickset, with long, strong legs and a wide neck.  His head is triangular with a slight nose bridge.  Chemo has typical mule deer ears, large and usually forward facing.  His tail is long and fluffy, flowing from his flat spine.  Round and pointed hooves hold up his weight with ease. ]


  • [ True to the deer of his Kingdome in this sense, Chemo's pelt is long and thick, especially in the Air of Hidden Sun.  It isn't noticeably lush, being more rough and rugged in texture.  It sheds water and snow easily, however, and therefore serves Chemo well. ]


  • [ Chemo is a warm, lighter reddish brown in base colour.  His back, socks, and part of his neck are a lighter gray, complementing his warm reddish colour and mimicking the snow.  A darker and different tone of brown runs along his back and up his neck onto the top of his head.  Spotted stripes of this colour run along the base of his neck.  The Stag's lighter accent is near white, and gleams brightly in direct sunlight.  It covers his tail, chest and nose.  His dark accent is a deep brown, and covers his hooves, tail tip, legs, nose, eye markings and ears. ]


  • [ The buck's antlers are light in colour, branching to a four or five point at this stage in his life.  They are strong and don't crack or break easily. ]


  • [ Chemo's eyes are a vibrant blue, brighter and darker around the pupil, and they display no emotion. ]


  • [ He has a taut, medium toned voice, ringing with quiet authority. ]


  • [ Chemo is a young deer, and hasn't encountered any physical or mental ailments thus far. ]


  • [ 115 cm at withers ]


  • [ 191 kg ]


  • [ Strength ]
  • [ Accuracy ]
  • [ Size ]
  • [ Climbing ]
  • [ Quick Reaction ]


  • [ Speed ]
  • [ Stamina ]
  • [ Lazy ]
  • [ Reasoning ]
  • [ Sense of Smell ]


.:Who I Really Am:.


  • [ Meticulous ]


  • [ Chemo is an interesting character, although not the most sociable of deer.  He is often found away from his Kingdome, pursuing his own ends.  When he does find himself in the company of other creatures, he is very honest and fair.  He will hear every side to a story, and pick out every detail that seems important to him.  This can take him a long time, and he will often retreat from the presence of others to be alone with his thoughts.  If he is on a tight schedule, he will become very brisk, moving through everything on his agenda without room for idle conversation.  In fact, Chemo rarely has time for idle conversation.  He tends to overlook the feelings of others, speaking honestly about some things that should be kept silent.  He remains extremely accepting of faults, even though he can be a little bad tempered on occasion.  He does not like work, preferring to send a lesser deer in his place.  Chemo can be eccentric, and often has outlandish ideas.  These ideas will make him excited, but he rarely explains himself clearly enough to be understood.  His hidden trait, which he is ashamed of, lies in his jealously of others.  He doesn't understand the feeling, and can't seem to control it. ]

// Honest / Meticulous / Independent / Commanding / Accepting / Just //

  • [Honest:] [Free of deceit and untruthfulness]

    [”I tell it like it is.”]

    [ Chemo has never been a liar, and considers honesty of utmost importance.  He considers it the height of disloyalty for any deer to lie to him, and unfortunately, he can almost always tell when he's being told a lie.  He won't accept dishonesty, although he will almost any other fault.  The buck holds firm in the belief that it is better to do much wrong, and confess that one has done so, than to do little wrong, but hide this from others.  Honesty is a very high priority to Chemo, and it influences his leadership greatly. ]

  • [Meticulous:] [Showing great attention to detail]

    [”Wait, that can't be right, you've overlooked this fact.”]

    [ This is Chemo's cardinal trait.  His nature as a meticulous is drilled so deeply into him, that he rarely notices when he is becoming obsessed over facts.  That aside, he rarely lets important details slip, and assures that everything makes sense on a regular basis.  He won't allow a decision to be made unless the facts are considered, and reviewed with appropriate attention to detail.  Chemo is not one to simply accept something as the truth, he requires absolute proof and details that logically support the conclusion. ]

  • [Independent:] [Free from outside control]

    [”No, I will take care of that myself, thanks.”]

    [ Independence can be a bad thing, but it can also be good.  Chemo is free from the control of others [with the exception of Vica].  It is not in the buck's nature to accept help or control from others when he knows he is capable himself.  His preference is usually to figure out a situation alone, and deal with it using the tools available to him.  Chemo feels uneasy when matters of his own business are taken care of by another deer, and will usually stop them and redo the job himself.  However, this only applies to matters directly concerning himself as a character.  He will not hesitate to delegate less desirable tasks to do with the running of his Kingdome to less fortunate deer. ]

  • [Commanding:] [Controlling, superior]

    [”You may only move once I have informed you that you can do so.”]

    [ Unbeknownst to him, Chemo makes a rather commanding impression.  He doesn't intend to come off this way, but his directions leave little room for argument and permit him to take control with ease.  Deer will automatically obey him, taking in his sure and articulate manner of speech and his tall and dominant figure.  This has become a defining trait for him, as he rarely has to argue or convince others to do as he says.  He is Stag, and he is competent.  All should do as he says. ]

  • [Accepting:] [Amenable, open]

    [”I don't mind if you're a little different, you're welcome here.”]

    [ Although kindness might not be at the top of Chemo's priority list, he has always been very tolerant of the opinions and differences of others.  He enjoys watching those different from himself, and trying to understand why and how they are how they are.  The Stag doesn't even consider the fact that some deer might not respect a Messenger with equal skill because of their size, or shun a Herb Keeper with equally good work because of a missing limb.  It isn't the way his mind works.  He will not hesitate to demote a deer to Denizen or Forager, but it will always be because they lack ability and never because of their opinion or mannerisms.  He welcomes any deer to his Kingdome, as long as they keep at least the standards required of the Forager rank. ]

  • [Just:] [Behaving according to what is morally right and fair]

    [”If we display the facts accurately, like this, we can make an appropriate decision.”]

    [ Chemo is not easily swayed by his own opinions or feelings for a situation.  He will listen to his reason above all, and fortunately, his reason is to be trusted.  His decisions might not always be considered morally right, but they will always be fair and tolerant.  The Stag will be happy to listen to both sides of the argument, and gather sure facts about any situation.  Then, he will proceed to weighing his options and making such a decision that would be appropriate and wise for his Kingdome.  Any deer can be sure of fair treatment at the hooves of the Stag, no matter from whence they came. ]

// Aloof / Insensitive / Envious / Brisk / Lazy / Vague //

  • [Aloof:] [Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant]

    [”That's great, you should probably do something actually useful and leave me alone.”]

    [ Distant and scathing in character, Chemo can be quite unpleasant to talk to.  He leads his Kingdome well, but does not wish to discuss the matter with anyone.  When approached without adequate reason, he is known to respond with cool indifference and possibly disdain.  The buck must see benefit for himself in a conversation for him to even remotely try to be sociable.  Otherwise, he prefers to ignore those speaking to him and wish for silence.  This is often taken as actual indifference to his Kingdome, which causes many deer to dislike him personally.  He is also prone to affronting deer in this fashion. ]

  • [Insensitive:] [Showing no concern for others feelings]

    [”No, that's a stupid idea, suggest something clever next time.”]

    [ Chemo has a very open disregard for the feelings of others, which is quite alarming on occasion.  He is honest and blunt, and whatever unpleasant thoughts might be plaguing his mind at that time will be added to a conversation without backwards glance.  The buck very easily offends those he does not know well by simply having no concern for their feelings.  Although he might be accepting of others, and make just decisions, these are to uphold his own standards for his Kingdome.  He himself will not hesitate to shoot down someone's ability or idea, especially if he's in a bad mood. ]

  • [Envious:] [Feeling or showing envy]

    [”If I could only have what they do...”]

    [ Envy is a feeling Chemo hates.  It drives him crazy, eats him away from the inside, and ruins his cool, collected demeanor.  He doesn't know how to stop it, and is incapable of controlling it.  He finds it extremely difficult to deal with, and will simply sit alone and burn with it for hours trying to get rid of it.  Even thought Chemo is Stag, and has all that most could wish for, he still finds reason to want that which others have.  He often wishes for skill with speed and endurance, as well as various items.  If he were ever involved in either a platonic or romantic relationship with another deer, any competition would drive him mad. ]

  • [Brisk:] [Sharp or abrupt]

    [”Well we've settled that, now lets figure out...”]

    [ Although Chemo has little problem spending time gathering and sorting facts, he has very little patience for idle chat about every topic of discussion.  He moves through his ideas with order, and when one thing has been decided and settled it is over.  It goes against the buck's grain to bring back a conversation that has already been dealt with.  He doesn't like pointless discussion, and often feels he has better things to do.  This can lead to deer becoming exasperated or overwhelmed with his mannerisms and simply wish to leave him to his own devices.  He has a certain knack for upsetting deer with his unwillingness to explain and discuss topics clearly and simply. ]

  • [Lazy:] [Unwilling to work or use energy]

    [”I really don't feel like it right now, get someone else to do it.”]

    [ This is a trait that Chemo realizes he possesses and makes no attempt to hide.  The buck dislikes work.  It's that simple.  He will avoid doing all but the most necessary tasks, and shuffle the remainder of his duties to the others of his Kingdome.  He often finds himself in a situation where he is completely capable of fixing or changing something but refuses to do so merely to avoid the using the energy.  Others can easily become frustrated with Chemo for this, as he will put undesirable tasks off and shelve everything possible on another's shoulders.  This results in mutterings and whispers among the lower ranks about the obvious wealth of the Stag and the disgusting habits that surround it. ]

  • [Vague:] [Communicating in an unfocused or imprecise demeanor]

    [”No, it's a plan trust me I need to go to the forest of Quire.”]

    [ When struck with an idea, or in the process of unraveling his thoughts, Chemo with respond with imprecise and unfocused directions.  Even in a situation where it is vital to have communication, he is liable to just disappear into the woods following his own plan without divulging its secrets to those around him.  Deer might question him all they like, but he will often just give them unrelated and detached words as an answer before brushing them aside and continuing what he was doing.  This can very easily cause problems in delicate situations, but the Stag is often unaware that he isn't explaining himself.  It can seem as though he expects others to read his mind. ]


  • [ISTP]
Introversion (77%)
Sensing (85%)
Thinking (68%)
Perceiving (81%)

|[Love Languages:]|

  1. [ Acts of Service ]
  2. [ Words ]
  3. [ Time ]

|[Other Traits [Less Prominent]:]|

  • [Articulate:] [Having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently]
  • [Calm:] [Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger or other emotions]
  • [Eccentric:] [Unconventional or slightly strange]
  • [Clever:] [Quick to understand, learn and devise or apply ideas]
  • [Cantankerous:] [Bad-tempered, argumentative and uncooperative]
  • [Changeable:] [Irregular, Inconsistent]
  • [Interfering:] [Tending to interfere in other peoples' affairs]
  • [Serious:] [Solemn or thoughtful in character]

|[Clashes With:]|

  • [ Whining ]
  • [ Dishonesty ]
  • [ Cunning ]
  • [ Discriminating ]
  • [ Sensitivity ]


  • [ Observant ]
  • [ Clever ]
  • [ Commanding ]
  • [ Articulate ]
  • [ Just ]
  • [ Honest ]


  • [ Envious ]
  • [ Lazy ]
  • [ Interfering ]
  • [ Vague ]
  • [ Insensitive ]
  • [ Aloof ]


  • [ Sunlight ]
  • [ Ferns ]
  • [ Independence ]
  • [ Streams ]
  • [ Brawling ]
  • [ Organizing ]
  • [ Trading ]
  • [ Bright Colours ]
  • [ Wind ]


  • [ Being pestered ]
  • [ Dishonesty ]
  • [ Drought ]
  • [ Complaining ]
  • [ Closed Mindedness ]
  • [ Work ]
  • [ Running ]
  • [ Having to Explain Himself ]
  • [ Ravens ] 

.:My Time:.

  • [Brawling:] [ Size gives Chemo a huge advantage as far as brawling goes.  He can win almost any fight with his size alone, but he also has an extraordinary amount of physical strength to his advantage.  This particular talent of Chemo's gains him a lot of respect that is valuable to him in regards to the obedience of lower ranks. ]

  • [Directing:] [ Luteae has become a large enough Kingdome, and Chemo has yet to have any difficulties making sure everyone is in the right places at the right times.  He has a talent for catching every detail, and moving even the most reluctant to their appropriate places.  This is another ability of his that comes in very useful for his rank. ]

  • [Observing:] [ Chemo never misses a trick.  His brilliant blue eyes are always wide open, and they catch every detail.  He can find out much about a deer by just watching them, and can usually tell when someone is lying to him.  Little goes unnoticed about him, and it's extremely hard to pull the wool over his eyes with illusions and games. ]


  • [Trading:] [ Although he is Stag, the ultimate authority in his Kingdome, Chemo kept his eccentric nature.  Trading is one of the few activities that is truly enjoyable to him.  He finds endless joy in the sight of different materials laid before him, and loves bartering for different items.  His own feathers were a tough bargain to strike as a set, but although he paid dearly for them, he got them down to half the original price and liked the entire process. ]

  • [Organizing:] [ Organization can mean to some that everything is away, and the space is clear.  For Chemo, it means quite the contrary.  He likes to have everything where he can see it, in orderly rows.  The buck also has a certain fondness for even numbers, as he prefers everything to be in pairs.  This taken into account, he will often be seen counting various things in nature.  He used to sort herbs for the Mythe, but considers this rather below himself now. ]


  • [Berries Only:] [ If Chemo happens to fall ill with a cold or flu, he has a peculiar habit of eating only berries until he recovers.  He will, of course, follow the Mythe's instructions, but for regular sustenance he will limit himself.  If berries are out of season, he will also eat flowers and small fruits or simply go without. ]

  • [The Earth as a Pillow:] [ While many deer sleep with their head curled comfortably around their bodies, Chemo does not.  Although it is unusual, and appears to be quite uncomfortable, he will always rest with his chin or cheek on the ground. ]


  • [High Ranked:] [ When coming in contact with a deer of the Ring, Chemo will always bow his head slightly in acknowledgement.  If he wishes to strike a conversation, he will usually start with 'How art thou?'. ]

  • [Lower Ranked:] [ Chemo will not acknowledge lower ranked deer at all in passing.  If he wishes to speak to them, he will step in their way and make eye contact before giving a direct order. ]

|[Religious Beliefs:]|

  • [Gods of Old:]
    • [Taziaes:] [ He has little faith in the oldest of the gods, rarely acknowledging him at all.  He believes Taziaes was once powerful, but also that he lost his power in the new land. ]
    • [Nistellum:] [ Nistellum is Chemo's favorite of the old gods, and although he would like to believe in her power, he finds himself reluctant to put much real faith in her.  She seems distant, and he feels that she, too, is lost to the winds of time. ]
    • [Imtiaco:] [ Imtiaco is the most confusing god for Chemo.  He will brush him aside in conversation, and avoid thinking about him for this reason. ]
    • [Uosqua:] [ In Chemo's opinion, Uosqua is the most powerful of the gods.  He doesn't spare her much thought, but considers her the leader of the gods. ]
    • [Vordol:] [ Vordol is, strangely enough, the only god that Chemo prays to.  He will pray to Vordol whenever he asks for Igur's blessing.  He's not entirely sure why, but he feels compelled to do so. ]

  • [Spirits of Salanfyer:]
    • [Phoelden:] [ Chemo has complete faith in Phoelden as the spirit of light within Salanfyer.  He believes it a very wise creature, and would love to see it in his lifetime. ]
    • [Igur:] [ Faith in Igur is tainted by fear, as there are sour tales told of this shadow creature.  However, Chemo asks Igur for guidance often, as he believes it is the right path to walk for himself and his Kingdome. ]

  • [Plant Embodiment:] [ Chemo has never thought much of the afterlife, as his concentration is mostly focused on leading his living Kingdome.  If he was asked about this particular belief, he would probably be non-committal and proceed to go question his sister. ]



  • [ Loestle : Deceased ] [ Stag : Luteae ]


  • [ Chirn : Deceased ] [ Prince : Luteae ]


  • [ Vica : Alive ] [ Oracle's Pupil : Luteae ]


  • [ N/A ]


  • [ Ilklu : Alive ] [ Mythe's Pupil : Luteae ]
  • [ Cedal : Alive ] [ Berserker : Luteae ]


  • [ None ]

.:In the Past:.

// [Parents]: A Son Among the Dead / [0-6 Journeys]: Survivor / [6-12 Journeys]: Interaction / [1-2 Quests]: A Final Blessing / [2 Quests]: Born to Lead //

|[Parents]: A Son Among the Dead:]|

  • [ "My mother was a kind Stag.  In her eyes, her Kingdome came first in every decision she made.  I respect her for that, even now.  Loestle was her name, and I know from stories that she suffered in her youth.  But she never talked about it, except perhaps to Chirn.  My father.  He was Prince of Luteae, a Berserker in past.  Although I can wonder and imagine all I like, I don't remember much about him.  Not many deer know who their father is at all.  It doesn't bother me much really.  They were married, Loestle and Chirn, and older when I was conceived.  They never expected to produce an heir, as I was the first to survive after many fawns either born dead or killed soon after." ]

  • [ Chemo was born into the Kingdome Ave Gratia Luteae to the Stag and Prince of the Kingdome.  Loestle was his mother, the Stag of Luteae.  She hadn't had an easy life and had suffered much loss.  Her sister Biret was her only remaining relative, and although the two had been close as fawns there was the bitterness that was to be expected when Loestle received the throne and her sister did not.  Chirn was Chemo's father, and Loestle's Prince.  She had appointed him long before they began courting, and conceived many of his fawns [Still Born] before they married.  His former profession was a Berserker, as is usual for that position.  Chirn was a silent buck, but strong and just which balanced Loestle's frail and merciful nature.  They ruled their Kingdome well, with but one problem.  They seemed to be unable to produce a living heir.  Every fawn not stillborn died mere Journeys after.  But one morning in the Air of Hidden Sun a fawn was born, alive.  He opened his bright blue eyes and looked questioningly at his mother.  Chemo came into the world fighting like none of his siblings before him. ]

  • [ Loestle, Chemo's mother, is Stag of Luteae. ]
  • [ Chirn, Chemo's father, is Prince of Luteae. ]
  • [ After many stillborn fawns, Chemo is born alive. ]

|[0-6 Journeys]: Survivor:]|

  • [ "I wasn't really raised by my mother.  In fact, I wasn't really raised by any deer.  Mostly I was left to my own devices as a fawn, which suited me well.  I suppose technically I was left in the Mythe's care, but she was busy with her own Pupil and let me do as I pleased.  Many times I was encouraged to make friends, and I recall fawns inviting me to play.  This didn't go very well, I wasn't interested in idle chat then.  Perhaps I was even more against it than I am now.  I do not dwell on the matter.  I watched other deer, and I learned.  There was no deer able to teach me the ways of my Kingdome, so I learned them for myself.  By the time I reached six Journeys I knew more than the rest of the fawns put together.  Loestle came to visit me then, for nearly the first time.  She told me I was destined to lead my Kingdome, as the line of heiresses was dead.  I was not surprised." ]

  • [ Despite the fact that her son tried to show Loestle his fighting spirit, she had all but given up by the time she gave birth.  Past her prime as Stag and leader of her Kingdome, she could only find despair every way she turned.  Unfortunately, she shut out Chemo, sending him into the Mythe's care at a very young age.  She trusted the Mythe, and could not bear to look at her son whom she expected to die.  Chemo was left nameless and new born to the young doe with one hoof in the Ring.  But she was kind and gentle with the young buck, and raised him for his first few Journeys.  He barely saw his parents, as they were busy with running the Kingdome around him.  Loestle named him very late, at one and a half Journeys.  She was surprised that her son was still alive, and named him hopefully, if not thoughtfully.  Chemo grew fast, relishing the Air of New Life that spread about the forest after the long, cold Air had passed.  His bright blue eyes seemed to take in everything around him, never missing a trick.  The Mythe that had taken him in loved him like a son, but the young buck gave her little attention.  He spent most of his time wandering alone, taking in the Kingdome that he would eventually lead.  Most other fawns made friends and created bonds, but Chemo did not.  Although approached numerous times, he would not join in the games of the others and often snapped viciously when asked.  Soon the young ones gave up, leaving Chemo to his own devices.  This suited him well.  As he neared six Journeys, Loestle visited him and told her son that he was to lead Luteae after her, as she had no living heiress. ]

  • [ Chemo lives through his first Journeys, despite Loestle's mutterings. ]
  • [ He doesn't really make friends. ]
  • [ Loestle tells him that his destiny is to lead the Kingdome, as she believes she will bear no daughter. ]

|[6-12 Journeys]: 

  • [ "As I grew, I spent most of time with Biret, Loestle's sister.  She was kind to me, and taught me the ways of the forest I hadn't yet learned.  I relished the tales of the travellers most, listening to her speak in the tongues of the different creatures.  With her encouragement, I began training with the Berserkers.  It was well worth my time, and I had considerable talent.  When my mother told me that she was again pregnant, I took it in my stride.  At that point, I could see no further ahead of me than becoming a Berserker.  If Loestle bore a doe, I would loose my position of authority.  This didn't matter much to me, as being Stag seemed simply a necessary arrangement following my birth.  In the Air of Fallen Leaves, my father died.  I never really knew Chirn, but the blow struck Loestle hard.  I still wonder at her judgement at appointing Basil as Prince.  He isn't even half the size of my father." ]

  • [ After being told that he was to be Stag, Chemo's training started in earnest.  He began to come out of his shell and interact a little with other deer.  Loestle's sister, Biret, took an interest in the young fawn.  Although she was a Messenger and had little time, she spent as much of it as she could with her nephew.  Biret told him stories, and made him laugh.  She encouraged Chemo to run, and train.  She taught him of the travellers and the strange tongues with which they spoke.  And Chemo responded to her as he hadn't to his own mother and the Mythe.  With support from the Messenger, he began to train with the Berserkers, already larger than some of them.  The young buck had talent in combat, and he trained it to skill.  Nothing really phased him at this point in his life, although Loestle had told him that she was pregnant again.  Chemo knew that this could mean a sister that would bar him his position as heir, but he had trouble caring.  The buck was happy training with the Berserkers, and figured that he would simply join them if Loestle bore a doe.  As the Air of Fallen Leaves struck the forests, Chirn died.  It was a great loss for Loestle, but Chemo barely knew his father.  A small Messenger was appointed Prince by Loestle.  It was said that she chose Basil almost at random, but Chemo knew that she appreciated the buck's quick thinking and language skills.  However, the large buck had trouble understanding why such a minuscule deer would do well as Prince.   ]

  • [ Chemo spends time with his aunt, Biret. ]
  • [ He trains with the Berserkers, and finds he has combat talent. ]
  • [ Chirn dies of disease. ]
  • [ Basil is appointed as Prince by Loestle. ]

|[1-2 Quests]: A Final Blessing:]|

  • [ "Loestle became ill before she gave birth to Vica.  The Mythe forced her to give birth prematurely, and the price of Vica's life was my mother's and the Mythe's.  I named her, Vine Maple Tree and Caribou.  She is precious, and I guarded her carefully, never leaving her in the Mythe's care.  She was always especially interested in the Oracle's work.  Of course, as Loestle was dead, I was Stag with Vica so young.  At that point I fully expected to loose the position as soon as Vica had passed her first Quest.  However, I was wrong.  My sister never wanted to become Stag, she left that to me.  Vica was chosen by the Oracle to become the Oracle's Pupil and in doing so she officially renounced her rights to the position." ]

  • [ As Loestle's pregnancy progressed, she became ill.  Chemo was not involved in the matter much, preferring to spend time with Biret, or training.  But it very quickly became obvious to the Mythe that her Stag was not going to survive long enough to give birth.  The young doe was then faced with her own death or exile, as Loestle was sure to die in her care.  Terrified though she was, the Mythe made a very brave decision.  With the right herbs, she forced Loestle to give birth prematurely to a tiny daughter.  The Stag didn't survive the experience, and the fawn nearly followed her.  The Mythe didn't survive the event either, and was killed as soon as the Kingdome was sure that the fawn would live.  Chemo named his sister after the tree she was born under and the caribou of Biret's tales.  But although Vica was the rightful heiress to the Stag, she was also newborn.  Chemo was therefore thrust into leadership with little training.  He handled the situation well, however, and became an honorable Stag.  But the buck also spent a lot of his time with his new sister.  They developed a very close sibling bond, but when Chemo was not available to look after Vica he left her in the care of the Oracle.  Soon he realized that both Vica and the Oracle intended to bump her up to Oracles Pupil.  When Vica officially refused to become Stag, and tied bonds with the Oracle Chemo knew that he was destined to lead his Kingdome until the end of his days. ]

  • [ Loestle gives birth to Chemo's sister, Vica, but dies shortly after. ]
  • [ Chemo is thrust into the position of Stag. ]
  • [ Vica refuses to become Stag, and becomes the Oracle's Pupil. ]

|[2 Quests]: Born to Lead:]|

  • [ "I am the Stag of the Kingdome Ave Gratia Luteae.  I will be forever, until I die.  This is my duty to my Kingdome, and my family, and I intend to do it well.  Vica is my friend and aids me with many decisions although she refused the lead position herself.  The Air of Endless Light is doing well to the forest, and I lead my Kingdome to the dawn." ]

  • [ Although still quite young, Chemo leads his Kingdome confidently.  He is a just Stag, and is respected despite the incident with Vica.  He has no trouble directing his Kingdome. ]

  • [ Chemo continues to lead his Kingdome in peace. ]

.:A Little More:.



  • [ Chemo likes things organized, but to him organization means that everything is where he can see it. ]
  • [ He will often delegate tasks to other members of the Kingdome that he doesn't feel like doing. ]
  • [ Although he mates for reproduction purposes, he has never felt any romantic or sexual attraction to another deer. ]


  • [Blindness:] [ Chemo ultimately relies on his vision, and even the thought of blindness, or very dark places, freaks him out. ]


  • [ ”If you have the wrong facts, then you can go no where” ]

|[Distinct Characteristics:]|

  • [ Size ]
  • [ Bright Blue Eyes ]
  • [ Longer Pelt ]
  • [ Aloof Nature ]


  • [ Strength ]
  • [ Bright Blue Eyes ]
  • [ Cleverness ]
  • [ Attention to Detail ]

Info is NOT a HUGE WIP because I FINISHED.

Please note that Roleplay, Plot and Relationship information will be kept on his RP tracker.

Items and Currency information will be kept on his Currency Chart.

Application, Group, Character, Written Format and Art (c) to Sumatrae
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lancer88's avatar
would I need this info template on my app?